Every Breath Counts members

How to become a member

More than 100 organizations from across the world have already joined the Every Breath Counts Coalition to help countries reduce deaths from pneumonia across all ages and from all causes.

Members include United Nations and global health agencies, non-government organizations, government and foundation donors, companies, academic institutions, professional associations, and even commited individuals.

To join, simply register a commitment outlining exactly how your organization plans to advance the mission of Every Breath Counts. Take a look at some of commitments from other members below.

Members meet regularly to share information, strategize solutions, and collaborate for greater impact.

All organizations with the capacity to deliver on their commitments are welcome!

The Access Challenge

The Access Challenge will work through campaigns, the recruitment of high profile influencers and through quiet advocacy in the focus countries to raise the profile of pneumonia and to catalyze resource mobilization and policy change in order to reduce child pneumonia deaths. Resource mobilization will include domestic support in the preparation of investment cases for Global Financing Facility funding and policy change will focus on increasing universal access to prevention tools like immunization, breastfeeding, nutrition and diagnostic and treatment tools. A key focus will be on increasing grassroots demand for prevention, diagnostic and treatment tools through mother and caregiver focused campaigns. The Access Challenge will identify and engage African leaders to champion action on child pneumonia in the focus countries by working with former President Kikwete, HE Moussa Faki, the leadership of the African Union, the leadership at WHO AFRO, the Organisation of African Ladies against HIV/AIDS (OAFLA), a variety of sports institutions including the Confederation of African Football and other decision-makers and influencers. Building on the child pneumonia campaigns already executed in Nigeria with the First Lady, the Access Challenge will develop creative content for both advocacy and social behavior change targets, and assist with dissemination in other focus countries. The Access Challenge will focus at the global level on promoting awareness of the current mismatch between the global burden of pneumonia and the small amount of global funding allocated to pneumonia.

Air Aware Labs

Air Aware Labs is committed to using their air quality and health modeling to combat respiratory infections and conditions. They pledge to use their air quality data and insights to mitigate the risk of respiratory disease by reducing personal exposure to toxic air pollution, supporting the efficacy of vaccines for respiratory infections and enhancing overall public health strategies. As a coalition member, Air Aware Labs is keen to contribute insights to the group, engage in strategic discussions, and collaborate on impactful solutions. Through this partnership, Air Aware Labs will provide actionable air quality information that empowers communities, health professionals, and policymakers in regions burdened by high burden of death from respiratory infections and conditions.

Air Liquide

Air Liquide recognizes that the issue of access to medical oxygen in emerging markets is critical for treating such life-threatening conditions as pneumonia and will contribute diligently to help achieve the Coalition’s mission. As a leading provider of medical oxygen and with its global presence, Air Liquide is committed to closing critical oxygen gaps to end preventable deaths with sustainable business solutions and innovations. Air Liquide will strive to offer solutions that meet the needs of hospitals and primary healthcare facilities, especially those serving rural areas. We note our continuing efforts with our “Access Oxygen”  inclusive offer developed in collaboration with our healthcare teams and local partners. Designed on the basis of observations of people’s actual needs, Access Oxygen is an all-in-one healthcare offer that includes a kit of oxygen therapy and services (such as training and maintenance) needed to use medical oxygen in the treatment of acute communicable and non-communicable diseases in small suburban and rural healthcare centers. The project launched its first pilot in Senegal in 2017, and is now deployed in Kenya, South Africa, and soon the Philippines. To date, Access Oxygen has made oxygen available to more than a million people and continues to improve the health systems in these countries.


ALIMA is committed to meeting humanitarian challenges with new ideas and low-cost solutions designed for patients, including children with suspected pneumonia. ALIMA is proud to work with Unitaid to bring better tools such as pulse oximetry to improve the identification of children with pneumonia in West Africa. ALIMA’s grant of $US$14.9 million from 2019 to 2022 will test whether pulse oximeters can improve treatment outcomes for children in four countries – Burkina Faso, Guinea, Mali and Niger, incoudign two Every Breath Counts focus countries (Mali and Niger). ALIMA will team up with Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM), Solthis and Terre des Hommes to implement the program.

Assist International

Assist International is committed to supporting the Every Breath Counts priorities as we have previously demonstrated in Kenya and Rwanda, and now by establishing Assist International Medical Oxygen Production in Ethiopia with partners such as Grand Challenges Canada and the GE Foundation. AI is bringing a financially sustainable model of oxygen production and distribution, while also implementing a rigorous training program for local health workers. Assist International is also committed to continue to work with an increasing diverse group of partners and explore the opportunity to move forward in Nigeria and other countries to ensure that wherever possible, the prescribed need for medical oxygen is properly understood, diagnosed, and available to be used effectively to save lives.

Gates Foundation

The Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives, guided by the belief that every life has equal value. In support of the Sustainable Development Goals, the Foundation’s pneumonia strategy focuses on the most prevalent causes of childhood pneumonia. The top priority is to promote full-scale delivery of currently available pneumococcal and meningococcal vaccines and to support the development of new vaccines to improve coverage, efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Because vaccines cannot prevent all cases of pneumonia and because the incidence of this disease remains high, the Foundation also works to improve access to diagnostics and treatment options which include oxygen-related systems improvements in the public and private health sectors. The Foundation is developing a platform for maternal immunization to protect mothers and their newborns from pathogens that bear a disproportionate mortality burden in the neonatal period. The Foundation will continue to work through partners like Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to increase immunization coverage in the world’s poorest countries, and the Global Financing Facility, to help countries reach those who do not yet have access to quality services and accelerate progress on reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health and nutrition.

Bloom Standard

Bloom Standard will support Every Breath Counts to increase access to automated, hands-free ultrasound for pediatric lung and cardiac applications to reduce newborn and child deaths from respiratory and health conditions. 95% of the world’s children currently lack access to pediatric ultrasound or echocardiography largely due to lack of affordable, portable equipment and skilled technicians to acquire and interpret images.

Build Health International

Build Health International (BHI) will leverage their expertise in designing, building, and equipping healthcare infrastructure in low-resource settings to implement sustainable oxygen solutions. BHI will lend technical expertise on topics central to developing oxygen systems — such as PSA plants, piped oxygen, cylinder procurement, and solar power — to assist other organizations in combating oxygen inequities with on-the-ground solutions. Drawing on over a decade of experience building healthcare infrastructure in LMICs, BHI commits to working with partners within and beyond the Every Breath Counts Coalition to share learnings. BHI will work with partners to determine which oxygen solutions will be best suited for various settings and consult on how to sustain oxygen systems once installed. As a member of the Every Breath Counts Coalition, BHI will advocate for international investment in oxygen infrastructure and workforce development to support oxygen systems.

Clean Cooking Alliance

Clean Cooking Alliance will raise awareness of the relationship between exposure to air pollution in the home and the risk of child pneumonia across the health, environmental pollution, climate change, and women’s empowerment sectors in the focus countries. The Alliance will also increase understanding, especially among governments in the focus countries with close to 100% dependence on solid fuels, that switching households to clean fuels (e.g. gas) will deliver the greatest impact on child health because it can reduce exposures by the greatest amounts. The Alliance will support efforts to include household air pollution exposure in the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) so the impact of improving exposure on child survival can be routinely assessed by all stakeholders.

Clinton Health Access Initiative

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) will work with the Governments of Ethiopia and Nigeria to increase access in both the public and private health sectors to treatment for childhood pneumonia—including oxygen for hypoxemia, and amoxicillin dispersible tablets for non-severe cases, and pulse oximetry for diagnosis. CHAI is supporting the governments to develop and implement first-ever national roadmaps for scaling up oxygen access. With support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, CHAI is supporting governments to improve the policy environment and availability of these commodities in Ethiopia (Tigray, Oromia, Amhara, and SNNPR) and Nigeria (Kano, Kaduna, and Niger states). Results and lessons from the program will benefit CHAI’s efforts in three additional countries working to reduce pneumonia deaths—including Uganda, Kenya, and India (state of Madhya Pradesh).

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) will, through the EssentialTech program hosted at the Cooperation and Development Centre, develop and deploy an innovative cost-effective, robust oxygen concentrator solution for use in the ten Every Breath Counts focus countries. This solution will include both technology and a sustainable business model, involving all aspects of the value chain such as manufacturing, logistics, commissioning, training, usability, maintenance, repair, obsolescence, and recycling. An alliance of public and private partners, based both in industrialized and in low-income countries, has been assembled to tackle this challenge.

FHI 360

FHI 360 works globally to address the complex challenges of human development with a unique mix of multidisciplinary, integrated solutions with areas of practice including health, civil society, communication and social marketing, economic development, education, youth, gender, nutrition, research, technology, and the environment. FHI 360 strongly endorses the mission of the Every Breath Counts Coalition to end preventable child pneumonia deaths and will work to expand access to prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pneumonia and related respiratory conditions among children and adults by leveraging our global programmatic, technical, policy, and research platforms across disciplines and across geographies.

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance will engage governments in the focus countries with no pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) coverage to explore the accelerated introduction of the vaccine and increase coverage of the vaccine in those focus countries with very low coverage. When introducing or expanding PCV coverage in the focus countries, Gavi will work with governments and other partners to ensure that other aspects of pneumonia prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are integrated with vaccine promotion, training, and delivery to increase the impact on child lives saved and strengthen health systems.

GE Foundation

GE Foundation in partnership with Government Ministries of Health, multi-lateral agencies, and civil society partners will continue to expand access to medical oxygen in select countries. With oxygen solutions focused on public-private partnerships and innovative financing, GE and GE Foundation are committed to eliminating oxygen deserts globally.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) will continue to play a key role in the sustainable and accessible supply of childhood immunizations, notably through the PCV Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Synflorix, as well as respiratory, and cough & and cold medicines. Synflorix is currently used in Universal Mass Vaccination programs in more than 40 countries and, since 2010, more than 300 million doses of Synflorix have been delivered to developing countries through GSK’s partnership with Gavi under the Advanced Market Commitment (AMC). As part of this ongoing commitment, GSK will make 720 million doses of Synflorix available by the mid-2020s to help protect children in developing countries. GSK has also pledged to provide Synflorix to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) delivering immunization programs for refugees in circumstances where governments are not able to respond. GSK and PATH are collaborating to support the implementation of the WHO recommendations for the treatment of childhood pneumonia and neonatal sepsis with amoxicillin dispersible tablets. The study is focused on understanding current pneumonia and neonatal sepsis treatment landscapes in Bangladesh and Kenya and identifying key bottlenecks that may prevent greater access to, uptake of, and appropriate use of amoxicillin dispersible tablets in these countries. Depending upon the findings of the study and in collaboration with local stakeholders, GSK intends to co-develop a strategy to address critical determinants of access and to address gaps in supply, demand, and appropriate use. GSK is also committed to partnering with organizations on joint advocacy efforts to help increase awareness of the impact of pneumonia, as well as gain support from donor and local governments.

Global Alliance on Health and Pollution

Global Alliance on Health and Pollution (GAHP), a collaborative body made up of more than 60 members and dozens of observers that advocates, will raise global and national awareness about the impacts of air pollution on health, especially that of children and teenagers, and assist countries to take action to reduce disease and mortality from air pollution. GAHP helps countries requesting assistance to prioritize their pollution problems, and identify the sources of pollution and cost-effective solutions that deliver measurable improvements to health. GAHP also supports research and engages in global advocacy efforts to increase attention and resources to pollution problems, including ambient and indoor air pollution. GAHP will make this support available to the Every Breath Counts focus countries and will contribute to global advocacy efforts to raise awareness about the need to reduce children’s exposure to air pollution to achieve the child survival SDG.

Global Health Labs

Global Health Labs will develop for the focus countries new technologies to improve child pneumonia treatment, including a reservoir mask and an oxygen storage system that can significantly increase access to oxygen in settings with unreliable treatment capacities due to unsustainable logistics or interrupted power. In addition, Global Health Labs will develop better, simpler, more affordable vital sign monitoring tools to enable better management of pediatric patients. Global Health Labs will ensure that stakeholders in the focus countries are aware of these new treatments and patient management technologies and their potential impact on child survival and of the need to invest in the critical health treatment infrastructure that can sustain oxygen systems – from generation to delivery, to maintenance.

Grand Challenges Canada

Grand Challenges Canada (GCC) will evaluate for possible support through its Transition-to-Scale program pneumonia innovations that have the potential to save and improve the lives of pregnant women, newborns, and children under five years of age in the focus countries. GCC is committed to stimulating the pipeline for more cost-effective innovations to improve the market for pneumonia diagnosis and treatment in low- and middle-income countries, with a focus on a sustainable scale. GCC is also committed to identifying and supporting entrepreneurs and innovators with promising pneumonia technologies from the focus countries.

Barcelona Institute for Global Health

Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) will provide technical assistance in the specific areas of epidemiology, diagnostics, antimicrobial resistance, and post-mortem methodologies, and their links to pneumonia. ISGlobal’s expertise in infectious diseases and respiratory health at a global level, and more particularly on the African continent, will be offered to the Every Breath Counts Coalition and ISGlobal will act as a local and global advocate to enhance pneumonia’s visibility and strengthen its recognition as one of the major threats to child survival.

International Federation on Ageing

International Federation on Ageing (IFA) is a global point of connection and network of experts and expertise to influence and shape age-related policy global. The IFA’s Vaccines4Life program in the context of healthy ageing is framed by three pillars – prevention, access, and equity – with the goal of improving uptake rates of adult vaccination. Vaccination is an important prevention strategy for combatting morbidity and mortality due to pneumonia. In alignment with the strategic priorities of the Immunisation Agenda 2030 and connecting principles of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing, the IFA supports a life-course approach to pneumococcal vaccination which reaches priority adult groups and delivers integrated and person-centred immunisation services. IFA is aligned with Every Breath Counts in their mission to enable national governments to reduce the burden of pneumonia and prioritize immunisation throughout life to maximize health and well-being.

International Vaccine Access Center

International Vaccine Access Center (IVAC) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health accelerates equitable and sustainable access to vaccines in low- and middle-income countries by generating, synthesizing, and using evidence to inform decision making and action. IVAC works with governments and major research institutions in 38 countries (including all of the Every Breath Counts countries) on over 15 vaccine-preventable diseases and syndromes, including the pneumonia-fighting vaccines, pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PVC), and Hib. IVAC also produces several studies, reports, and online tools relating to pneumonia, including the Pneumonia and Diarrhea Progress Reports, and the VOICE – Value of Immunization Compendium of Evidence – tool. IVAC will ensure that the Every Breath Counts Coalition is able to use IVAC evidence, tools, and case studies in the development of national pneumonia control strategies and in global and national advocacy efforts. More broadly, IVAC will provide guidance to the EBC countries on how to use these tools to inform the development and implementation of policies and programs that accelerate progress to the GAPPD target.


Jhpiego will support the mission of the Every Breath Counts Coalition to close critical gaps in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of pneumonia among children by facilitating strategic partnerships in maternal and child health in many low- and middle-income countries where Jhpiego operates as well as globally. Jhpiego will advocate for expanded access to programmatic and technological solutions to improve access to diagnostics, including pulse oximetry for children and adults alike in the era of COVID-19 and beyond, and provide technical assistance to community-based organizations, governments, and other local stakeholders to expand access to integrated services for children and their families.

“la Caixa” Foundation

“la Caixa” Foundation will work to reduce pneumonia-related child mortality by increasing coverage of the PCV vaccine for pneumonia prevention; improving the diagnosis of pneumonia through the use of innovative solutions that automatically measure the respiratory rate (ARIDA) and oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry); increasing the procurement of amoxicillin dispersible tablets and access to oxygen therapy for pneumonia treatment; investing in capacity-building of frontline community health workers as they can have a significant impact in reducing child mortality by timely diagnosis and correct treatment; and raising awareness through advocacy and sensitization campaigns which would, in the medium to long term, strengthen global action and the Sustainable Development Goals agenda to end child deaths by pneumonia by 2030.


LeanMed will ensure that its first product, the O2 CUBE, contributes to the goals of the Every Breath Counts Coalition by facilitating unparalleled community access to timely diagnosis and treatment of respiratory infection. This will be accomplished through the robust provision of pulse oximetry and supplemental oxygen within the setting of the rural health center and during patient referral, where their frequent lack may otherwise result in delayed care and patient fatality. From its initial introduction in Malawi, LeanMed aims to expand the implementation of its O2 CUBE system into multiple target countries of the Coalition, including Nigeria and Ethiopia.


Lifebox will distribute Lifebox pulse oximeters to anesthesia providers in the focus countries and train healthcare and related staff in their use, procurement, and maintenance. Further, Lifebox will make the new “newborn and child-friendly” Lifebox probe available in the focus countries in partnership with Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust (GOSH), the Institute for Global Health at University College London (UCL), and Johns Hopkins University (JHU).

McCann Global Health

McCann Global Health is committed to providing strategic communications, branding, and marketing to raise awareness and deepen the impact of Every Breath Counts globally and in the focus countries. Support could include engaging influencers, executing “deep” communication efforts in the populations of mothers whose children are most at risk in the focus countries, and coalescing the voices of all of the various child pneumonia stakeholders into a unified shout through a global brand platform.

Malaria Consortium

Malaria Consortium will develop a “Child Pneumonia Research Roadmap” to expose knowledge gaps and set research priorities, with special attention to the focus countries. Major research priorities in childhood pneumonia could include, (1) identifying the predictors of the development of severe pneumonia and the children who require urgent referral or hospitalization, (2) understanding the main barriers to care-seeking for children with pneumonia in different contexts, and which social and behavior change communication strategies can be effective in increasing demand for formal health services, and (3) developing diagnostic tests or diagnostic algorithms than can better detect pneumonia in children.

MAP International

MAP International will increase access to pneumonia treatment in low-resource settings by providing high-quality, long-dated antibiotics in line with the recommended WHO formulations. Through existing partnerships and Every Breath Counts Coalition members, MAP’s work will strategically target countries and hospitals that are extremely under-resourced and partnerships in countries where pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCV) have not yet been introduced or are at very low coverage. MAP is also committed to preventing and treating wasting, malnutrition, and diarrheal diseases, which, coupled with pneumonia, are even more life-threatening.


Masimo will develop a combined pulse oximeter and respiratory rate timer specifically suited to low resource settings and increase its uptake in the focus countries, working with partners to train healthcare staff in its use, procurement, and maintenance. With an initial focus on Nigeria and Ethiopia, Masimo will develop models of country engagement that can be expanded to other focus countries in future years.


Merck applauds the Every Breath Counts Coalition ambition and goals to support countries to reduce their pneumonia mortality to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) by 2030. We aim to support the fight against pneumonia, and diseases that contribute to overall respiratory-burden, by discovering and developing innovative products and working to ensure these are broadly accessible to the populations that need them most. Our vaccines portfolio works to improve public health through disease prevention and our portfolio of antibiotics helps treat bacterial pneumonia. At Merck, we believe we have an important role and responsibility to help reduce the burden of respiratory disease and improve access to medicines and vaccines around the world. To achieve this, collaboration is key and therefore we are proud to be part of the Every Breath Counts Coalition.

Mérieux Foundation

The Mérieux Foundation is an independent foundation with public interest status, committed to fighting infectious diseases that affect low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) by building capacities in health. Since 2010 the foundation has contributed to the fight against pneumonia by conducting a number of pneumonia research studies in LMICs where data on pneumonia etiology was scarce or not available, and has also supported the introduction of PCV vaccines; assessed the impact of bed-side diagnostic capacities at primary health care settings, and disseminated knowledge programs that contribute to greater education and awareness on pneumonia. The Mérieux Foundation will continue to work in collaboration with partners, including the Every Breath Counts Coalition, to advance uptake of pneumonia interventions based on LMIC research and to advocate for greater recognition of pneumonia as a leading cause of child death in low resource settings.

Newborn Foundation

Newborn Foundation will expand routine pulse oximetry testing of newborns born in hospitals in the focus countries, with an initial focus on Ethiopia and Nigeria, in partnership with Masimo. The Foundation will also explore the applications of promising new technologies that can reduce newborn deaths, especially from pneumonia, in the focus countries, including lung ultrasound – an early-stage pneumonia diagnostic innovation.


Nonin Medical Inc. recognizes the importance of, and is committed to providing, equitable and accessible healthcare across the globe. Nonin proudly produces high-quality, noninvasive pulse oximetry monitoring solutions designed to work when they are needed most, enabling medical professionals to provide the highest quality patient care. Pulse oximeters are critical tools for healthcare professionals, providing information they need to make informed decisions to improve patient lives. Nonin believes it is vitally important that all patients in need of pulse oximetry monitoring receive healthcare that is equitable, regardless of differences in skin melanin content. Since Nonin commercialized the first fingertip pulse oximeter in 1995, we have prioritized pulse oximetry solutions that are accessible, equitable, and provide reliable measurements across all skin pigmentations. Nonin continues to live this mission today, as a leading industry partner to clinicians and patients. We consistently work to enhance our oximetry solutions and strive to produce the most equitable devices on the market. Nonin also participates in and supports initiatives by U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Open Oximetry Project intended to update industry guidance, strengthen clinical protocols, and ensure performance transparency for commercially available devices. Our goal and commitment is to ensure all patients have access to accurate, equitable, and reliable monitoring solutions to support their healthcare needs.


Novartis/Sandoz will help prevent the deaths of millions of children worldwide. Our generics division Sandoz supplies pediatric amoxicillin treatment courses to UNICEF and MSF, playing a leading role in the response to the growing global need for this formulation of anti-infective recommended by the World Health Organization as the first-line treatment for pneumonia in children under five. Novartis will work with Coalition partners to help countries target and increase investments to close critical gaps to end preventable child deaths, including expanding pneumococcal vaccine coverage alongside increasing access to better diagnosis and treatment tools, especially pulse oximetry, child-friendly amoxicillin, and oxygen. Through Novartis Social Business, we will continue to contribute to initiatives that are improving healthcare and access to medicines for children, including the expansion of access to community education, improved infrastructure, and affordable healthcare products targeting high-burden diseases for children and families in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Oxygen for Life Initiative

Oxygen for Life Initiative (OLI) will work with Federal and State governments, Local Government Authorities, donors, and the private sector to scale-up pulse oximetry and oxygen activities and improve case-management of pneumonia in Nigerian hospitals and primary health care centers. OLI is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that was founded in 2017 to expand the work of the Nigeria Oxygen Implementation Project, which helped hospitals in 4 south-west states to improve their oxygen systems and reduce case fatality rate (funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation). OLI works through strategic partnerships with individual hospitals, state and federal government departments, donor agencies, and private enterprises. OLI’s unique role is as an implementing partner, bringing a holistic and evidence-based approach to the provision of oxygen to patients in the hospital – for Nigerians, by Nigerians.

Partners in Health

Partners in Health (PiH) will use its close proximity to patient care and connections with Ministries of Health and other policymakers to advocate for increased resources for childhood pneumonia at the global level, and in the countries in which we work. PiH can also provide technical assistance to national governments and partners operating in the focus countries on how to strengthen all levels of pediatric pneumonia care – from the community to primary care centers to secondary- and tertiary-level hospitals. Further, PiH can support the application of the Mentorship and Enhanced Supervision for Health Care and Quality Improvement (MESH-QI) program, which uses clinical experts to build national capacity and train providers on best practices for the diagnosis and care of childhood pneumonia and other common illnesses.


PATH will support efforts to prevent, diagnose, and treat child pneumonia in the 10 focus countries as well as globally, with a particular emphasis on vaccines, oxygen therapy, and antibiotic treatment. PATH will continue to apply its expertise in vaccine development and delivery to accelerate the development of new pneumococcal vaccines with an emphasis on ensuring they are effective, affordable, and sustainably accessible for the countries who need them most. To help make oxygen therapy more available and accessible, PATH will advocate at the global, national, and sub-national levels for the importance of oxygen in achieving national and global health goals, especially as they relate to maternal, newborn, and child survival. Through dissemination of Oxygen is Essential: A Policy and Advocacy Primer, PATH will arm country advocates with evidence-based resources and messages to inform and engage decision-makers and policy influencers to stimulate their support for increased access to oxygen. In the DRC specifically, PATH will assess the child pneumonia continuum of care landscape, identifying opportunities to strengthen the health system and markets. PATH will also pursue policy change in the DRC that specifically advances access to oxygen therapy with pulse oximetry, and support implementation of this policy down to the sub-national level. Globally, PATH will also work with select manufacturers of oxygen technologies to ensure that they design devices to meet the unique needs of low resource settings. PATH will support efforts to include pulse oximetry and oxygen coverage on the Lives Saved Tool (LiST) and integrate coverage into existing global health data surveys and hospital audits. Finally, PATH will also advance the antibiotic innovation agenda by developing new heat-stable, ready to use, child-friendly formulations of antibiotics like “NutMox” a new formulation of amoxicillin in a peanut butter matrix.


Pfizer will build on the commitment to supply up to 740 million doses of our pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) through 2025, via our partnership with Gavi the Vaccine Alliance. Pfizer also provides support for programs and disease awareness, which is intended to help improve vaccination rates. In Niger, Mali, and the DRC, Pfizer supported health care worker training intended to help people recognize the early signs of pneumonia and inform caregivers of the importance of vaccination. Plans are in place to extend this training to Angola. In addition, the Pfizer Foundation supports several programs aimed at increasing access to, and the quality of, immunizations and other health interventions. These programs are considered important to child health and survival in several countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi, Kenya, and Benin. Note the Pfizer Foundation is a charitable organization established by Pfizer Inc. It is a separate legal entity with distinct legal restrictions.


Philips will work in partnership with governments, UN agencies, and civil society partners to make the ChARM device available in the focus countries and will explore testing the new integrated Spot Check Monitor in one of the focus countries. In addition to improving diagnosis, Philips is committed to devices that better capture patient data and provider performance cost-effectively and which can be easily shared across large networks informing further performance improvement.


PneumoLight: Light for the Education and Prevention of Pneumonia is a non-profit, collaborative project committed to increasing the visibility of pneumonia worldwide and to raising public awareness of its risks. The ability to identify early pneumonia symptoms and the readiness to seek emergency medical care are crucial to the initiation of early treatment, especially in major risk groups like children under the age of five, the elderly, and persons with co-morbidities. The PneumoLight will bathe emblematic buildings in blue light on World Pneumonia Day each year. Increasing the visibility of pneumonia will allow us to educate the public and spread scientifically-proven data on this disease. PneumoLight will engage the global scientific community in responding to the questions of the general public and health practitioners about all aspects of pneumonia: its management, risk groups, short and long-term complications, mortality, rehabilitation, and other preventive measures. Educational information about pneumonia will be spread using the hashtag #PneumoLight via social networks.

Results for Development

Results for Development (R4D) will support activities to increase the availability and use of child pneumonia treatments in public health facilities in Ethiopia. In partnership with the Government of Ethiopia and other key stakeholders, R4D will increase awareness of amoxicillin dispersible tablets as the first-line treatment for pneumonia among health practitioners and policymakers at the regional and district levels; ensure that robust quantification and financial gap analyses for amoxicillin dispersible tablets are conducted; engage with high-quality manufacturers of tablets to encourage registration in LMICs; and continue to administer catalytic procurement funding while supporting the Federal Ministry of Health to mobilize domestic funding sources for these tablets. Additionally, R4D will share learnings from its formative research in Tanzania to ascertain rates of over-and under-diagnosis of pneumonia and to identify and pilot interventions that could drive increased rational use of amoxicillin dispersible tablets. R4D’s findings could be leveraged in Coalition focus countries to improve the quality of care around childhood pneumonia.

Safe Surgery Initiative (SSI)

Safe Surgery Initiative (SSI) is a biomedical and surgical equipment capacity-building nonprofit organization strengthening low-resource healthcare systems by training healthcare technology professionals. SSI is committed to the Every Breath Counts Coalition mission and will lend technical expertise in biomedical equipment engineering, medical oxygen plant lifecycle management, and robust training programmes to improve access to medical oxygen. Current support includes biomedical training for workers operating solar and oxygen-generating systems in the Africa Infrastructure Relief and Support (AIRS) project – a Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) program in collaboration with the Johns Hopkins University Global Alliance of Perioperative Professionals (JHU-GAPP) and the Institute of Global Perioperative Care. SII also advocates for medical oxygen capacity building as a member of the G4 Alliance and Global Health Council. SSI believes in strengthening local healthcare infrastructure through strategic partnerships to build local capacity and resilience.

Save the Children

Save the Children (StC) will partner in four of the focus countries (and others) to change the trajectory of child pneumonia deaths through programming, policy, advocacy, innovations, research, and campaigns. StC will work to build global political attention for pneumonia mortality within the movements to end all preventable child deaths, to improve women’s children’s and adolescents’ health and nutrition, and Universal Health Coverage. StC will champion innovative and equitable approaches to pneumonia prevention, diagnosis, and treatment by expanding the reach and impact of the Pneumonia Innovations Network, a 350 strong global network of innovators advancing better ways to prevent, diagnose and treat child pneumonia, which will be hosted by Save the Children, and StC will champion reductions in PCV vaccine pricing to reduce the costs to non-Gavi eligible countries. Save the Children’s global advocacy to end preventable child pneumonia deaths will include the education and engagement of a new generation of “influencers”, the publication of reports, and the inclusion of child pneumonia at high-level gatherings of development leaders. Save the Children will also lead and co-ordinate advocacy activities within the Every Breath Counts Coalition as part of its wider, long-term partnership with GSK to help end preventable deaths for children under 5 from infectious diseases.

Sentient Bionics

Sentient Bionics will support the Every Breath Counts mission by helping LMICs increase access to the technologies that are essential for reducing deaths from respiratory illnesses. The company has developed a portable oxygen machine called “SentOx” to WHO specifications and commits to providing SentOx machines, ranging from free units supplied by donor funding, through to high-volume machines supplied by manufacturing partners. Sentient will support in-country manufacturing, technology transfer, training, support, localization, and supply of service parts to build a robust “Through Life Support” (TLS) system for SentOx. The aim is to supply a high volume of reliable, supported, robust SentOx machines for under $US500 per machine. Sentient Bionics’ primary goal is to save one million lives by delivering at least 7,400 SentOx machines to where they are needed most.

3 Analytics

3Analytics will harness advanced tools such as Cloud, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Data Analytics, and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) to increase coverage of pneumonia-fighting vaccines including Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV), Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP), measles, and COVID vaccines. We also aim to reduce the large populations of children with missed and zero doses of lifesaving vaccines, including for pneumonia. We aim to expand access to our proven model pioneered in India by collaborating with a diverse group of actors from governmental entities to grassroots organizations. Our vision is to play a significant role in reducing the spread of infectious diseases, including pneumonia, among at-risk communities. Through our steadfast commitment and innovative approach, we seek to promote a healthier, more resilient world for all.


UNICEF will work in partnership with WHO and other stakeholders to accelerate child pneumonia mortality declines in the focus countries by: (1) advancing WHO pre-qualification for the medicines used to treat pneumonia, including amoxicillin dispersible tablets and antibiotic injectables for sick newborns, (2) Encouraging countries to participate to the WHO collaborative procedure for accelerated registration, and incorporating mutual recognition of registration which will help improve access where product registration could have been a barrier, (3) supporting the development of local markets and production for quality amoxicillin dispersible tablets and other medicines used to treat pneumonia, (4) improving access to new tools for early and more effective diagnosis and management of pneumonia and hypoxemia with support from “la Caixa” Foundation, and (5) improving procurement mechanisms for oxygen technologies, with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Further, UNICEF will provide technical support to focus countries for pneumonia prevention and treatment – including efforts to improve household air quality, breastfeeding rates and child nutrition, and PCV vaccine coverage, as well as increasing understanding of the links between these investments and child pneumonia mortality reductions. UNICEF will work closely with the US Fund for UNICEF to raise awareness and mobilize resources from US donors for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of childhood pneumonia.


Unitaid is committed to accelerating the availability, adoption, and scale-up of portable, new-generation pulse oximeters that can quickly identify which children are in immediate danger of death—those with severe disease—so that they can be referred, hospitalized, and treated without delay. Unitaid is also exploring opportunities to support the development of tools that can better distinguish between bacterial and non-bacterial infections at the point of care. These new tools hold the potential to help many children survive pneumonia and other causes of child mortality in lower-resource countries.

University of Melbourne’s Centre for International Child Health

University of Melbourne’s Centre for International Child Health will support hospitals and governments in Nigeria and Ethiopia to implement effective oxygen systems through oxygen and pulse oximetry training, equipment installations, technical support, and testing of novel oxygen systems. The Centre will share results and materials from these activities for wider learning and dissemination.

Vital Strategies

Vital Strategies is a global public health organization that works in partnerships with governments to develop evidence-based public health policies, manage programs efficiently, strengthen public health systems, conduct research, and design strategic communication campaigns for policy and behavior change. Our Environmental Health Division works with governments and key civil society partners to accelerate clean air progress to improve health. Vital Strategies is committed to increasing public awareness about the relationship between air pollution exposure and the risk of child pneumonia as well as strengthening the technical capacity of civil society (e.g. journalists, clinicians) and decision-makers to understand, address, and communicate about air pollution as an environmental health threat beyond the traditional span of public health control. Similarly, Vital Strategies will work across sectors to prevent child pneumonia by controlling air pollution. Vital Strategies will continue to build the capacity and reach of Inspire: Health Advocates for Clean Air – a global coalition of mobilized clinicians, public health professionals, and organizations to advocate for clean, healthy air – by providing resources and conducting training for clinicians on air pollution and its adverse health outcomes, including child pneumonia. Furthermore, Vital Strategies will continue to collaborate with partners including UNICEF, Clean Air Asia, Climate and Clean Air Coalition, World Health Organization, and Eastern African GEOHealth Hub to raise the profile of outdoor and household air pollution as major risk factors and engage the health sector in promoting clean air and accelerating access to clean household energy. Vital Strategies will partner with cities across the globe to implement cost-effective and easily scalable urban health innovations to promote clean air. Vital Strategies will also continue working with government partners in Indonesia to design an air quality management plan for DKI Jakarta that prioritizes the reduction of adverse health outcomes like child pneumonia.

VIA Global Health

VIA Global Health will work with the Every Breath Counts Coalition to leverage its eCommerce platform and services to enable low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) to access life-saving medical equipment and supplies to reduce deaths from respiratory infections, including from COVID-19 and other causes. We will ensure that our platform offers the information, supplies, and services necessary to enable our customers in the public, private, and NGO/FBO sectors to improve the respiratory health of their communities during the pandemic and beyond. VIA will partner with suppliers, implementing partners, and innovators with expertise in respiratory-related technologies and offer customers support with scale, fulfillment services (transactions and logistics), market insights from different geographies and customer segments, and content to support informed decision-making in the purchasing process.


ZMQ, a “technology-for-development” non-profit, will continue to support LMICs to use ICT tools, solutions, systems, and mobile apps to increase awareness about pneumonia and improve referral and care. We further commit to working with partners to develop customized grassroots stories in regional and vernacular languages which will be promoted and disseminated through two of ZMQ’s pioneering programs – YST (YourStoryTeller) and MIRA Channel. YST and MIRA will also support data capturing to assess behavior change. ZMQ is committed to supporting total turn-key solutions to reduce pneumonia deaths in LMICs, including as a consequence of COVID-19, by using information and communications technologies for development (ICT4D).